Dear colleagues, We are proud to announce that IFMA FOUNDATION is sponsoring a unique international project in collaboration with EuroFM and IFMA Spain. The project will enhance the scope and visibility of the Facility Management discipline at the international level. During a period of three months, a
Read more →….. 1835: en el Capitolio de los Estados Unidos, un enfermo mental llamado Richard Lawrence intenta el asesinato del presidente Andrew Jackson (primer intento de asesinato sobre un presidente de Estados Unidos). Info publicada en WK
Read more →Wow. This is truly a city for you if you’re running a business in which stretching the boundaries of expectations and encouraging creativity are important components. Innovation and provocativeness are the essences of this city. This is a place that’s always taken advantage of every
Read more →Había una vez un fontanero muy bueno al que un día llamaron con urgencia para poner un parche a una tubería. El fontanero replicó esa tubería no necesita un parche, lo que hace falta es cambiar todo el sistema de fontanería de la casa. Los dueños de la
Read more →Sitio web de esta imagen (Discrimi)nation: El día de Martin Luther King
Read more →Facility Management: in & out 2013. Wat is ‘in’ in 2013 en wat is ‘out’ in 2013 op het gebied van facility management? Publicado por FAMASE el 26/12/2012 (ESP) El Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad en España (OSE) ha publicado su octavo informe anual Sostenibilidad en España 2012. Desarrolla
Read more →Whats the best thing a manager can do to start the new year in a constructive and productive way? Its nothing fancy, but its fundamental and foundational: Set clear and meaningful objectives for all of your direct reports. Establishing thoughtful, carefully conceived job objectives at the
Read more →Rendir culto a cuerpo y mente es ya costumbre para muchos, que para llevarlo a cabo se han sumado a las ultimas tendencias en métodos para lograrlo. Los mas de moda y con terminología anglosajona son el coaching y el mindfullness. El primero de ellos, tal
Read more →Watch the video by clicking on the image. Rotary is a worldwide organization of more than 1.2 million people. Members of Rotary provide humanitarian service and help build goodwill and peace in the world.
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