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Read more →What is they Campaigning Toolkit and why is it useful There’s little doubt that advertising, marketing and public relations campaigns can significantly affect how people think and act. But can the same ‘promotional principles’ be applied to occupational safety and health (OSH)? The answer is a resounding ‘yes!’ Although
Read more →Nothing says “Holiday cheer” like donning a totally ugly Christmas sweater! Read about the history of the ugly sweater, from Bill Cosby to Mark Darcy from Bridget Jones’s Diary. Published by Blog Easel
Read more →Our wishes. Merry Xmas and Happy 2014 , que no sea por nosotr@s que sigamos insistiendo en tener una Feliz Navidad i que entre tots podem millora el proper any.
Read more →As 2013 comes rapidly to a close, it is worth noting, I think, that this was arguably the three hundredth anniversary of sustainability management, the formal discipline, as we know it. Indeed, the concept of sustainability management in commerce first appeared in 1713 in a book written
Read more →La Tercerización (Outsourcing) es el acto de transferir algunos procesos de negocio de la empresa a un proveedor externo con el fin de lograr la reducción de costos, la eficacia y eficiencia operativa y mejorar la calidad del servicio. Mark Salamasick nos ofrece los siguientes consejos o
Read more →Work is clearly evolving which means that we are seeing new technologies and behaviors enter our organizations. These new behaviors and technologies are largely being fueled by the consumer web and now organizations are struggling to adapt. Over the past few months I explored the Five Trends Shaping
Read more →Published by UE
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