European Facility Management Conference (EFMC)…

Merge between FM research and practice Study tours to FM features of Berlin’s spectacular sights Discussions on future challenges, solutions, and strategies FM best practice in various business sector Publicado por FAMASE el 14/04/2014 (GER) (EFMC) 4.-6. Juni 2014, Berlin, Deutschland Strategie und Nachhaltigkeit von entscheidender Bedeutung für

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Published and review of corruption- and integrity risks in the EU.

Transparency International has just published a comprehensive review of corruption- and integrity risks in the EU institutions. The EU Integrity System (EUIS) report analyses how ten EU institutions and bodies promote integrity, how they deal with the risk of corruption and how their policies help the fight against corruption in Europe. Aconference to

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@Accelera el teu negoci a BizBarcelona 2014…

Edició: 3a Periodicitat: Anual Dates: 4 i 5 de juny de 2014 Horari: De 9:30h a 19:00h Localització GPS: 41.373925, 2.149896 Ubicació: Recinte de Montjuïc Av. Reina Maria Cristina, s/n – 08004 Barcelona. Sectors: Màrqueting i vendesInternet, Hosting, Xarxes socialsFinançament públic i privat. Inversió. AssegurancesEmpreses TIC i TelefoniaAssessoria legal i laboral. ETT’sLogística i

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Post #416…Building Safety Month (U.S.A).

The International Code Council is a member-focused association. It is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes. The International Codes, or I-Codes, published

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