Que las PYMEs intentan sacar partido del social media marketing es una realidad. Pero no todas las pequeñas empresas lo hacen del modo correcto. La experiencia de un manejo personal de las redes sociales, lanzan a los propietarios a embarcarse en el mundo del social media marketing
Read more →Publicado por Famase14/11/2013 Facility Management Law & Legal Definition. Responsibilities associated with facility management Facility management is the coordination of the physical workplace with the people and work of an organization. It is the integration of business administration, architecture, and the behavioral and engineering sciences. In the most basic
Read more →Un dels grans reptes que han d’afrontar moltes empreses, especialment les pimes, és el fet de ser capaces de donar resposta als canvis constants del mercat amb noves solucions que aportin valor. Innovar és fonamental per al futur de qualsevol empresa. Precisament, aquesta Guia ha estat elaborada
Read more →The Scandinavian startup Hoffice aims to bring rigor and productivity to the concept of home-based co-working space. Apartment by night, office by day. That’s the concept behind a Scandinavian startup that’s helping city residents turn their homes into co-working spaces from 9 to 5. Calling itself Hoffice,
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