Set_12_Logistica Interna ( Internal Logistics)

  La logística es la ciencia que se encarga de racionalizar el flujo de materiales y de información, tanto internos como externos. Sus orígenes son militares y se remontan a principios del siglo XIX. Su aplicación al mundo de la empresa ha permitido que la misma sea considerada como un ente integral en el cual se engloban el aprovisionamiento,

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Month(Mes) 5/12 : Unify and analyze individual needs, integrating the production process not a single speaker

  As Platform Management and business needs analysis , the external services and processes is not productive, we apply the synergies between all activities in order to implement improvements, reduce costs and make a multiplicity of services those activities of our customers who are not theircore business. Unify and

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#Month_Mes: (4/12): Un claro Objetivo es garantizar mediante el plan Integral Mantenance of Building la gestión total de los edificios u oficinas que la EMPRESA tiene dispersos en diferentes ámbitos geográficos.

     A clear objective is to ensure through the Comprehensive Plan Mantenance of Building complete management of buildings or the company has offices scattered in different geographical areas.    Guarantee the life of buildings with general maintenance services and exploiting the synergies that are deployed, managed jointly services are called “common

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