Facilities management providers are predicting increased merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in 2012 as the sector looks to consolidate, according to a survey by Barclays Corporate bank.

  16 January 2012 Around 83 per cent of FM providers believe M&A activity will pick up this year with half of those polled suggesting that there is a good chance they would be making acquisitions. Twenty-one per cent said they were already eyeing acquisition targets. Nearly 80

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¿Estamos llegando al final de la función pública tal y como la hemos conocido?

  Cambio radical en la función pública: hacia el final de los funcionarios Probablemente sí. Como algunos cargos sindicales reconocen en privado, el escenario que se está manejando para dentro de 15-20 años es el de unas administraciones compuestas fundamentalmente por contratados laborales cuyos derechos serán iguales

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