La revista Facility Management & Services organizará el próximo 4 de julio el quinto encuentro y la cuarta entrega de los premios nacionales homónimos con el objetivo de impulsar el negocio de Facility Management en España. La revista Facility M&S prepara el quinto Encuentro de Facility Management
Read more →Once a year the global facilities management community comes together to celebrate FM on World FM Day . Duncan Waddell, Chairman of Global FM, said: “The 2018 theme shines the spotlight on facilities management’s important role across the globe. Facility managers deliver exceptional customer experiences worldwide across
Read more →The «U.A.E. Facility Management Market by Service, by End User and by Mode – Market Size, Share, Development, Growth, and Demand Forecast, 2013-2023» report has been added to’s offering. The growth of the facility management market is mainly driven by the expansion of tourism industry and
Read more →Those are only a few of the opportunities you have during employees’ first weeks at your organization. But how can you take advantage of them? Here are eight approaches that work. Start by Having a Well-Defined Onboarding System. Many companies just wing it, with negative results. Still
Read more →Once a year the global facilities management community comes together to celebrate FM on World FM Day . Duncan Waddell, Chairman of Global FM, said: “The 2017 theme emphasises facilities management’s significant role in setting and managing the scene for and delivering exceptional customer experiences worldwide across
Read more →Pourquoi ne pas déléguer tous les services complémentaires qu’une usine ou un bureau a besoin (le nettoyage, la logistique, la sécurité ou la restauration collective) à un seul fournisseur et sous la supervision d’un seul gestionnaire ?
Read more →Acte de Presentació de l’Associació Catalana de Facility Management El proper 22 de Maig sera l’Acte de Presentació de l’ACFM a l’Auditori del Caixa Fòrum a les 18:30. Coneixement Volem promoure professionals més formats i informats en les pràctiques més avançades del FM i per això vetllem
Read more →Antes de hablar de Valor Añadido de FM, el “Añadido” como he leído en el Blog, deberíamos estar de acuerdo en que el término “Valor” no puede ser algo subjetivo basado en las percepciones porque entonces poco podemos hacer para crecer en el negocio. A los que
Read more →Once a year the global facilities management community comes together to celebrate FM on World FM Day . The theme is ‘Empowering people for a productive world’, and will look at how facilities management (FM) enables different business disciplines to collaborate to deliver high quality business performance.
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