Publicado por FAMASE el 14/01/2014 (ESP) Salón Internacional de la Seguridad. Madrid : 25 al 28 febrero. Del 25/02/2014 al 27/02/2014. Horario de 10:00 a 19:00. Profesional . 28/02/2014. Horario de 10:00 a 17:00. Profesional. 3º Congreso de la Externalización de Servicios FM ( Barcelona 6-7 marzo
Read more →The British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) is the professional body for facilities management (FM). Founded in 1993, we promote excellence in facilities management for the benefit of practitioners, the economy and society. Supporting and representing over 13,800 members around the world, both individual FM professionals and
Read more →In 1987 the first exploratory meeting to create a European FM network was hosted by Mr. Bart Bleker in The Netherlands. He helped develop the association till 1990. In 1993 the European Facility Management Network was officially registered by NEFMA, the Dutch FM association now called FMN, the Danish FM
Read more →Este gráfico no tiene valor estadístico, ni siquiera un valor real basado en un estudio de alguna prestigiosa Universidad, pero tiene un ALTO valor REAL, ya que entendemos que un PERFIL FM debe reunir esta cualidades profesionales y actitudes personales, el porcentaje para la estadística no deja
Read more →How will you celebrate? Check the events listed in the Google Map and join the celebration of FM taking place in your country. Info and published in IFMA
Read more →IFMA IFMA was founded in 1980 and incorporated in the State of Michigan, with staff and financial support from the Facility Management Institute (FMI), part of Herman Miller Inc.’s research division. In 1983, The U.S. Library of Congress asked FMI to develop a definition of “facility management.”
Read more →Facility Management Die Historie beginnt in den USA Die Ursprünge des Facility Managements (FM) kommen aus der US-amerikanischen Bürowelt und der Fluggesellschaft Pan-American-World-Services (PAWS) in den 50er Jahren. Ziel waren Produktivitätserhöhungen in Betriebsführung und Instandhaltung. Die PAWS wurde Facility Management-Dienstleister für die US Air Force und gilt
Read more →About CEN The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) was officially created as an international non-profit association based in Brussels on 30 October 1975. We are a business facilitator in Europe, removing trade barriers for European industry and consumers. Its mission is to foster the European economy in
Read more →Difundir, Promover, Desarrollar y Profesionalizar el modelo de gestión de Facility Management en América Latina, a través de la vinculación de sus actores, su capacitación y el intercambio de información y experiencias. ¿Por qué Latinoamericana? El entorno en que se desarrollan las compañías, la disponibilidad tecnológica, la
Read more →IFMA, en conjunto con FM Global, se complace en invitarle a celebrar el Día Mundial de la FM. Organizaciones y miembros de FM en seis diferentes continentes, celebran el Día Mundial de FM mediante la organización de eventos tales como almuerzos, seminarios y talleres, o mediante la
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