I was observing how the topic was becoming just as important an element of overall sustainability as ‘traditional’ environmental sustainability. Several conversations since have reinforced my view that what is perhaps more commonly referred to as social value will continue to drive the news agenda as 2013
Read more →Publicado por FAMASE el 01/03/2013 (ESP) Las organizaciones deben seguir mejorando en eficiencia energética. Directiva 2009/29/CE :objetivo conseguir una reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) en el año 2020. Publicado por FAMASE el 27/11/2012 (ESP) A partir del 1 de enero de 2013, cada vivienda
Read more →What are the top jobs in facility management? Facilities management job titles can vary as widely as a facilities managers responsibilities (for that topic, see What Does a Facility Manager Manage?). Perhaps thats why the salary of a career in facility management can range from $56,689
Read more →Dear colleagues, We are proud to announce that IFMA FOUNDATION is sponsoring a unique international project in collaboration with EuroFM and IFMA Spain. The project will enhance the scope and visibility of the Facility Management discipline at the international level. During a period of three months, a
Read more →Click on each circle and you can download the info … More documents on the web, www.facilityservices.es Pulsa sobre cada círculo para descargar la información . Mas documentos en nuestra web. www.famase.eu www.facilityservices.es www.famase.es
Read more →The ground is shifting in business services. To succeed in todays markets, service delivery models need to recognize and support the attributes that enable an enterprise to assimilate new markets and new processes most effectively. As a result, todays models are prioritizing the needs of the enterprise
Read more →Outsourcing Interdepartmental Facility Management & Services has strengthened its management platform through highly trusted partners’ experience, generating the creation of a unique joint venture, in order to: – provide means and resources to our clients, as we understand that those activities are part-time and growth needs to remain
Read more →We will be your manager and guarantee services for the life of the contract for proper enforcement and satisfaction, otherwise we devote our time to seek alternatives. Serem l’administrador de serveis i li garantim durant la vida del contracte la seva correcta execució i satisfacció, en cas
Read more →Recordemos que actualmente la disciplina FM permite la gestión integral y unificada de servicios externos , pero siempre desde un punto de vista objetivo y no vinculado a los recursos. La disciplina Facility Management identifica de necesidades del cliente, la selección de los proveedores idóneos para
Read more →El cliente dispone de un usuario y acceso 24/7 para poder descargar o colgar cualquier comunicado que afecte al contrato o mejoras del servicio. Nuestra plataforma propia Gestor Documental Office Management (GEDOMA), permite a nuestros clientes disponer las 24 horas de toda la documentación, facturas, albaranes,
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